If you are reading this, then you probably want to...

Picture the future you...

People always tell you how great you look and they want to know your secrets

It is so easy to shop for clothes because you size is available everywhere

You feel at comforatable buying sexy new lingerie because you look so good in it

You look better at your high school reunion than you did when you were in high school

You love feeling light and flexible, and you have more energy than you need

Exercise is easier because you enjoy walking and taking the stairs now

Are you ready for this future?

I could not lose my stubborn weight and I was hooked on sugar. I felt miserable.

I was desperate to feel better and I had resisted Keto because I thought it would be complicated and unhealthy.

Boy was I wrong! I lost 45 pounds in 6 months and I feel amazing.

I have no more brain fog and I am motivated to go out hiking whenever I have free time.

This has been the easiest way to lose weight and I have never felt better!

  • Grace, dispatcher



Welcome Guide with beginner tips

29 pages – Your introduction to Keto diet, ‘One meal away”, how to start Keto, prioritizing what to eat, different names for sugar, ‘Top Ten’ tips, eat this not that…and more ($24 value)

Keto Diet Planner

22 pages – A planner with pages to help you journal why you are doing Keto, your overall goals, and tracking pages for weight, measurements, eating streaks, exercise and more ($47 value)

Fearless Keto Recipes logo
Keto Diet Shopping List logo

Recipe Book

51 pages – 41 recipes, with photos and tips for adapting and swapping ingredients, “Pro Tips”, and a meal plan page. These recipes are the foods that my family eats ($47 value)

Shopping List/Printable Shopping List

10 pages – Shopping for Keto tips, food guide, ‘essentials’ list, Do This, Not This guide, meal plan based on the recipe book, and a quick fasting guide ($19 value)

Get the kit that has been downloaded over 350 times!

See how yummy keto food really is!

*BONUS* Goal Setting for Weight Loss

Setting effective goals is critical to success. It takes a small amount of time to set yourself up for long-term success.

  • Find your focus
  • Perseverance
  • How to Set Smart Weight Loss Goals
  • Slow and steady
  • Tools that help
  • Sticking to your goals
  • No More Excuses
  • Planning ahead for success
  • Celebrate your wins
  • There’s an app for that

Get this 43 page eBook for How To Set Goals You Can Achieve and Manage Your Mind for Success ($24 value)

Use the Goal Setting guide with the Keto Planner

Who The Kit is For...

Who The Kit is NOT for...


I was stumped for years as to why I could not get rid of stubborn weight..even on Keto diet.

It was not until I switched to clean keto that I got results faster and was able to stick to the diet more easily.

When I made a point of cooking all of my meals from scratch, using the cleanest ingredients I could find, weight loss was effortless.

Clean, whole foods are cheaper because you get more nutrients so you eat less and can eat less often.

Get The Entire Keto Kit to Help You Succeed In Your Weight Loss Goals

Welcome guide, Planner, Recipes, Shopping List and Goal Setting guide


$161 Value - 70% OFF