What Is The Ketogenic Diet Plan?

What is the Ketogenic diet plan? Ketogenic diet, or Keto for short, is one of the most popular diets around for good reason. Not only can it help you lose weight, but it’s also good for your overall health. And yet it is vilified constantly by Dieticians. Why is that? Today we take a brief … Keep Reading…

The Atkins Fat Fast – Eat Fat to Lose Fat

Today we will review a little-know section of Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution…the Atkins Fat Fast. The basic principle of the Atkins diet is that a state of ketosis will help you burn your fat stores as energy. In fact, the Keto diet grew from the basics of Atkins Phase One: Induction. But what Keto … Keep Reading…

Best No Equipment Workouts for Beginners

Best No-equipment workouts

Today is all about the best no equipment workout for beginners. No equipment workouts are an excellent way to get started with a fitness plan. As well, they are a little more fun and variation that you can experiment with without paying a gym membership. You may find some of the exercises a bit on … Keep Reading…

What You Need To Start Cooking Healthier

what you need to start cooking healthier

On your journey to cooking healthier, why not use tools that help accomplish this? For our post this week I am happy to publish a guest post from my friends at Cranberry Island Kitchen. What You Need To Start Cooking Healthier: 3 Must-Have Kitchen Tools Many people are wary of the phrase “healthy eating” because … Keep Reading…

Mindfulness And Exercise – for beginners

Mindfulness and exercise

How do mindfulness and exercise go together? Actually, very well. Mindfulness is the perfect companion for your exercise routine, because you will do what is right for your body. A common question people have when they start living a more intuitive life, not just with eating but with movement as well, is how can they … Keep Reading…

What Is Intuitive Exercise?

What is Intuitive exercise

Intuitive exercise, or movement, is a part of switching to an intuitive lifestyle. If you are ready to give up on the “conventional” health advice, and possibly disordered exercise habits, you may be ready to give your intuition a try. You will likely want to honor your body by using your intuition as you choose … Keep Reading…

How To Break A Sugar Habit

break a sugar habit

Are you ready to break your sugar habit? Sugar is an insidious food additive that is in almost every processed food: fast food french fries, low-fat yogurt and vitamin water, to name a few. If you are struggling with weight gain, difficulty losing weight, lack of energy, and digestive issues, it might be due to … Keep Reading…

How To Learn Mindfulness – For Beginners

how to learn mindfulness

Today is all about how to learn mindfulness. What is Mindfulness? Dictionary.com defines mindfulness as: “the state or quality of being mindful or aware of something”. Seems easy enough right? However, many of us have been conditioned for many years to follow the directions of other people: parents, teachers, bosses and supervisors, or fitness experts. … Keep Reading…

Can Failure Lead To Success?

Can failure lead to success?

Can failure lead to success? Think back to your childhood days and how you learned. Or watch a child in your family or neighborhood. Children try things and learn by trial and error. When a child learns to walk, we don’t expect him to get up and walk across the room. Instead, he will start … Keep Reading…

Why Gratitude Is Important for A Successful Life

why gratitude is important

Today’s question is why is gratitude important? The answer is interesting. You may think that gratitude belongs in that “woo woo” category, but I can assure you that nothing is further from the truth. Would you be surprised to discover that gratitude could be a key to unlocking your best life possible? You may have … Keep Reading…