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Can Failure Lead To Success?

Can failure lead to success?

Can failure lead to success? Think back to your childhood days and how you learned. Or watch a child in your family or neighborhood. Children try things and learn by trial and error. When a child learns to walk, we don’t expect him to get up and walk across the room. Instead, he will start … Keep Reading…

Why Gratitude Is Important for A Successful Life

why gratitude is important

Today’s question is why is gratitude important? The answer is interesting. You may think that gratitude belongs in that “woo woo” category, but I can assure you that nothing is further from the truth. Would you be surprised to discover that gratitude could be a key to unlocking your best life possible? You may have … Keep Reading…

22 Tips for Powerful Positive Affirmations

powerful positive affirmations

Powerful positive affirmations are one of the best tools that you can use to create a meaningful, successful, and fulfilling life. Many people have developed powerful affirmations that bring about change in their behaviors and circumstances. When you deliberately use positive affirmations the effect on your life will not only be powerful, but you will … Keep Reading…

Positive Daily Affirmations – for Beginners

Positve Daily Affirmations

Positive daily affirmations may sound woo-woo, but don’t knock it. You may have been repeating negative affirmations without even knowing it, and sabotaging yourself in the process. Whether you believe it or not, you can attract anything in your life that you give attention to, because like attracts like. Positive affirmations are a powerful tool … Keep Reading…