If you are wondering how to stay on track with Keto diet, then I have some help for you!
When you begin the keto diet, you’ll shed some of the pounds fast. Usually within 5 to 14 days. This fast weight loss helps inspire participants to want to continue the diet.
But then all of a sudden, the weight loss just stops and it baffles dieters since they’re still doing what they think they’re supposed to be doing.
Let’s explore solutions.
Hello and welcome to Fearlessly Holistic.
My name is Irma and I want to share my journey to improved health by eating whole foods, moving my body and eliminating stress as much as possible.
It is my hope to inspire you to make daily changes. Why? Because eating fresh, seasonal food, getting some sunshine, and purging unhelpful thinking is the best way to increase longevity. But you do not want just a long life.
You want a quality long life.
Ready to start keto? Grab my KETO FOOD GUIDE and start eating better today. Keto diet, and especially clean keto which I advocate for, it healthy and delicious and nourishes your body which encourages healing and weight loss.
My blog posts are my opinion and the results of things that I have tried that either worked for me or didn’t. My opinions are for informational purposes only and are not intended as medical advice. Medical advice should always be obtained from a qualified medical professional for any health conditions or symptoms associated with them. As well, there may be affiliate links in this post. Read more here.
Why Tracking Is So Important on a Keto Diet
Tracking on Keto diet is not just about the Keto macros percentages. It is also about the food you put in your body.
If you don’t carefully track what you’re eating on a keto diet, you can end up with more calories and more carbs than what you should consume.
And this can knock you out of Ketosis and all the benefits of being in Ketosis, like sustained weight loss.
So that leads to weight loss either getting off track or lost pounds showing back up.
When you don’t track what you’re eating you’ll experience trouble – losing momentum and staying motivated.
It’s just like any other diet.
If you’re not following what you should do and you’re eating more than you should, you don’t get the results that you want.

Tracking isn’t hard.
It just requires a little effort so you can know the truth about what you’re actually consuming.
You have to know what your food consumption is. That means you have to be aware of the portion sizes.
An excellent free Keto tracking app is Cronometer.
You can use whatever tracking app you want, but the best Keto tracking app is the one you use and that helps you improve your health with useful information.
That means weighing out the foods that should be weighed on a kitchen scale.
Simply “eyeballing” the amount of any food isn’t accurate enough.
You’ll always end up underestimating what you’re eating and you’re more than likely getting a lot more calories or carbs than you think you are.
I purchased a digital food scale that has a pull out display.

Mine is similar to this one made by OXO. It allows you to put a large plate on the scale and still be able to read it.
You do not need anything fancy though. I used a cheap scale for years and once you are used to what a portion size looks like, then you can eyeball it.
You just want information so that you can make informed decisions.
For example, if you eyeball your protein and then start weighing it, you may find, as I did, that you are eating more protein than your body needs.
Excess protein is stored in the liver as sugar for future energy needs (gluconeogenesis). But that does not help you today.
Instead, you can cut back your protein, an ounce at a time, and see if that improves or fixes anything, like a weight loss stall for example.
Tracking your food helps you make sure that your portion sizes are correct.
The main goal of tracking your food is to get information and feedback from your food choices.
Use the information that you are learning to make tweaks in your diet so that you have a workable system that gives you results.
It is a huge time-saver to learn this in the beginning.
For example, you may be using a condiment that fits your macros but you suspect it is the reason you feel unwell after eating it.
If you track the days that you eat that condiment, and use a simple food diary to write your suspicions in, you can figure out if you want to keep eating that food.
Because if it is not helping you, why bother eating it?
This is how many people on Keto discover that they do not tolerate artificial sweeteners, too much dairy, or certain salad dressing.
Use a free keto tracking app that you can add to your mobile phone. These apps let you find foods, count your net carbs and more so that you stay on track with your keto diet.
Eating clean food is a major part of holistic living, and Keto is a big part of that…if you are eating clean Keto, that is. I mean there is no point in trading one type of poor health for another.
And second to that is knowing how the food you eat affects your health. Just because a food guide tells you that you can eat tomatoes does not mean your body agrees.
Holistic approaches never just address symptoms of specific health problems, but instead aim to return or keep the patient in a state of balanced health between mind, body, and spirit. Grab your free KETO FOOD GUIDE by signing up below.
Holism targets overall wellness, and when we are well, we only get better with age.
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Until next time, here’s to our health!