Keto chaffle…the wonder of the modern age! I am not sure who created this culinary delight, but they deserve a medal!
When I first heard the word “chaffle”, I had to get online and search what are chaffles? (and yes, I did misspell it!), because really, what kind of name is that?
Hello and welcome to Fearlessly Holistic.
My name is Irma and I want to share my journey to improved health by eating whole foods, moving my body and eliminating stress as much as possible. It is my hope to inspire you to make daily changes. Why? Because eating fresh, seasonal food and getting some sunshine is the best way to increase longevity. But you do not want just a long life. You want a quality long life.
I like to focus on simple concepts and moving forward one step at a time for sustained progress. If that sounds good to you, then be sure to sign up for my FREE weekly newsletter of tips for Keto, ketovore, carnivore, healthy foods, gut health, mental health and self-care!
**My blog posts are my opinion and the results of things that I have tried that either worked for me or didn’t. My opinions are for informational purposes only and are not intended as medical advice. Medical advice should always be obtained from a qualified medical professional for any health conditions or symptoms associated with them. This post may contain links to products that I promote. Thank you for supporting my website.**
What is a Keto Chaffle?
I believe that the name chaffle comes from cheese + waffle, but I might be wrong. And the Keto part is a low carb way of eating that encourages the body to burn fat instead of sugar.
Related Post: Keto Made Easy
So chaffle is a grain-free waffle that is low carb friendly.
The base recipe is 1 egg plus 1/2 cup shredded cheese. Mix, cook on waffle iron, eat while crispy and warm. What could be better?
Apparently you can get a mini waffle iron online for cheap and it is the perfect size. So if you do not have a waffle iron, this is a low cost way to test drive this new food item.
I have to say that I used to miss regular waffles.
Regular waffle were a tradition when my daughter had a sleep over, because the kids really liked them. A co-worker recommended the Cuisinart waffle iron (it is awesome) and I had a great waffle batter recipe. And I made tons of them and put the rest in the freezer for quick morning breakfasts.
Well, those syrupy days are over (and I say good riddance!). Whole foods are what we eat now, and when I find a life saver like this, it would be criminal not to share.
What are keto chaffles like to eat?
Yummy! But I suppose you would like more information about that.
I think that by tweaking the base chaffle recipe (1 egg + 1/2 c. grated cheese), you can make endless combinations of sturdy “bread”.
If you make them like Jess in the video below, they are crunchy on the outside and tender on the inside. Perfect as a bread replacement.
I like savory ones, because low carb-friendly sweeteners trigger my sugar cravings. But sometimes….sometimes you just gotta have something sweet. And sweet chaffles do the trick. I admit to only making one kind, because when you find perfection why keep looking? I am going to try the pumpkin ones next.
You can make your chaffles plain
Put sugar free syrup on them and have a the closest thing to standard waffles that is available without a ton of chemical ingredients or other mystery ingredients.
You can dress them up with garlic and onions for savory chaffles
Do you know what a yummy sandwich that could make?? Add dehydrated onion flakes, garlic powder and some parsley. I am drooling just thinking about it!
Or go ahead and add cocoa or pumpkin and spices to make dessert chaffles. Add some coconut or almond flour to make them more dense like traditional waffles. Really, you are only limited by your imagination and ingredients.
Eat your chaffles as is, use them as bread for sandwiches or burgers, or serve up your dessert chaffles with “icing” and be all fancy-schmancy.
I am going to link to a video from Jess at Keto Rewind because I honestly never thought that a pumpkin chaffle would be a good idea. However, Jess’ recipe looks delish and I think it is because of her secret ingredient, so check it out and give Jess a thumbs up while you are there:
Chaffle recipes are all over the internet
All you need to know is that it requires eggs (and/or egg whites) and cheese. You can add keto friendly flours as well as psyllium husk (yes, the stuff used in Metamucil) to get a more traditional waffle texture. The basic recipe will make 2 smaller chaffles, or one big one depending on your waffle maker.
Alternatively, you may enjoy basic chaffles for keto breakfast chaffle sandwiches (ham and egg, bacon and egg, sausage and egg…you get the idea). For other uses, you may want to dress up that chaffle batter.
Related Post: Clean Eating for Improved Health
I am going to put chaffles up on a pedestal right next to keto mug cakes and Fat Head Pizza in the low carb hall of fame. These inventions are the best thing eva for anyone new to keto and low carb.
Because sometimes you want a sandwich that is sandwich-like. I get tired of eating sandwich ingredients in a big ole lettuce leaf. Especially when lettuce is no longer in season and romaine has had yet another recall for e-coli (ewwww).
So add keto chaffles in to your food rotation and give yourself a reason to eat a tasty, low carb sandwich.
Ready to up your keto game? Get your free shopping guide to Keto foods and start today!
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Until next time, here’s to our health!