MadeOn Skin Care Products (Review Post)

MadeOn Skin products

I purchased several items from the MadeOn skin care products website. I’ve wanted to write a review for a while, but I was testing some items that I bought locally to compare to the MadeOn products. The items were purchased with my own money and this review post is based on my personal opinions of … Keep Reading…

Unique Self-Care Ideas For Busy Women

Unique Self Care Ideas For Busy Women

Today I’m sharing my unique self-care ideas. 2020 has pushed me to work harder on my mental health and self-care is a cheap and easy way to improve all areas of my life. As well, I feel more mentally prepared for the future and ready to take on new challenges, as I am learning how … Keep Reading…

Intuitive Eating for Weight Loss

What is intuitive eating and how does it help with weight loss? How many times have you thought or said, “I wish someone would just tell me what to eat so I could be healthy and lose weight??”. Well today we will look at this very situation. Hello and welcome to Fearlessly Holistic. My name … Keep Reading…

How To Overcome Emotional Eating

Overcome emotional eating

How to overcome emotional eating. Well what exactly is emotional eating? Ask yourself: are you hungry or is there something else going on when you think about food? There are various reasons for deciding to eat. Regrettably, not all of these are for sustenance, nutrition, or observing a balanced diet. Hello and welcome to Fearlessly … Keep Reading…

What Are Phobias?

What are phobias? The dictionary defines phobias as “An extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something”. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), over 9.1% of Americans suffered from a specific phobia this past year (probably more with Covid factored in). Some phobias crop up during anxiety or panic attacks. Other … Keep Reading…

Overcome Fear and Anxiety Quickly

Overcome Fear and Anxiety

Overcome fear and anxiety and take back your life! You might not realize it, but deep down everyone is afraid. The big difference between you and all those people you can see who are successful is that they confronted their fears. They worked through their issues to get ahead or went ahead in spite of … Keep Reading…

Alternative Anxiety Treatments

Today’s post on Alternative Anxiety Treatments is for anyone who suffers from an anxiety disorder. Seeking help is the first step, so congratulations on reading this and other helpful information. Anxiety disorders include medical conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, agoraphobia, and panic disorder. Hello and welcome to Fearlessly Holistic My name is Irma … Keep Reading…

Is Panic Disorder Curable?

Is Panic Disorder curable? When you are in the middle of a panic attack you might not think so. But I have good news for anyone who suffers from panic attacks. There is an effective non-prescription treatment that works to eliminate panic. Hello and welcome to Fearlessly Holistic My name is Irma and I want … Keep Reading…

How To Stop Social Anxiety

How To Stop Social Anxiety

Is social anxiety a real thing? Just ask any teenager in middle or high school. Not only is social anxiety real, it is also crippling to some people, like me. But why? What is social anxiety? Why are people afraid of other people? Are humans not meant to be “social”? Social anxiety disorder affects millions … Keep Reading…