Gratitude is a foundational principle of The Law of Attraction, so starting a gratitude list should be priority one for anyone who wants to start manifesting.
Regardless of what you want to manifest, being grateful for everything in your life changes your mental state and encourages a better, more positive outcome.
Very simply…whatever you place your attention on grows bigger; aka – you get more of what you focus on!
Hello and welcome to Fearlessly Holistic.
My name is Irma and I want to share my journey to improved health by eating whole foods, moving my body and eliminating stress as much as possible.
It is my hope to inspire you to make daily changes. Why? Because eating fresh, seasonal food, getting some sunshine, and managing stress is the best way to increase longevity. But you do not want just a long life.
You want a quality long life.
Ready to see more reasons for starting a gratitude practice? Sign up for our newsletter and get our new FREE guide to Gratitude for Beginners. Just click the image to check it out.
My blog posts are my opinion and the results of things that I have tried that either worked for me or didn’t. My opinions are for informational purposes only and are not intended as medical advice. Medical advice should always be obtained from a qualified medical professional for any health conditions or symptoms associated with them. As well, there may be affiliate links in this post. Read more here.
Put another way – what your attention rests on expands! This is the very foundation upon which the Law of Attraction works.
In order to fully utilize this law and, thus create the life you want, you need to be very careful about where you are placing your attention. You need to be aware that all the negative or positive thoughts you are having are creative.
The Law makes no differentiation between positive and negative.
If a thought, any thought, is maintained for a mere 60 seconds the Law of Attraction immediately begins the manifestation of that thought. Every single time!
How Law of Attraction Works
So regardless of what it is you are thinking about, no matter what it is, it only takes 60 seconds to begin manifesting it.
This sounds great to the beginner. Wow, 60 seconds to the life of your dreams.
All you have to do is sit quietly for 60 seconds, think about what you want and the Law of Attraction will bring it to you effortlessly.
However, manifesting is a little more complicated than that!
When most people first learn about the Law of Attraction they think that they can visualize living in a mansion, driving a jaguar, owning a jet and marrying a model etc. and then just sit back and wait on the effortless results that will follow.
However, they fail to realize that every thought is creative – not just the good ones!
If you visualize the life of your dreams for just 60 seconds you begin to manifest it. This is totally true.
“Well”, you may say, “I have imagined living my dream life for a lot longer than 60 seconds. In fact I have dreamt about it all my life sometimes spending hours lost in my fantasy and it still hasn’t come true”.
Keep in mind that every thought is creative
Spending time visualizing your ideal life is great but do you sustain those thoughts throughout the rest of your day?
Or, do you go around complaining about how bad things are?
My guess is, if you don’t have the life of your dreams, then you may be sabotaging your efforts.
And this is where a solid gratitude practice comes in
These negative thoughts are also creative and are much more abundant in the majority of people.
If the thoughts are backed with high emotion – think anger or frustration – then they manifest even faster! You literally cancel out the good work you have done in your visualization.
You are storing up great things for yourself but through your dominant negative thinking you are keeping them away from you!
Visualization is an extremely powerful tool that can and will totally transform your life. But if you want more good things in your life, you need to focus on good things.
The Law of Attraction is always working.
It never sleeps and it never fails. It is an unbending Universal Principle. Every thought is creative.
Every single one.
Therefore you need to change your dominant mental patterns before you can see any real tangible results from consciously trying to use this law.
So how do we do that?

How to Build Up Your Gratitude Muscle

You need to change the way you view your world.
If you see the world as a nasty, unforgiving, greedy, violent place, then that is what you will attract more of.
Conversely, if you begin to look for the beauty that is around you, you will start to attract more beauty into your life.
Look for the abundance even if you are not fully experiencing it in your own life right now.
For most people, it is not so much winning the lottery that is important; it is how winning the lottery can potentially make us feel. Feelings like freedom, peace and hope for our new life.
Yes, having a lot of money is great but does anyone want to get to the end of their life with money and no friends or family, no joy, or no passion?
Reach for better feelings so that you can manifest a wonderful life and be financially abundant.
Look for the things you want in your own life: peace, prosperity, supportive family and friends and more joy. See the image above for a quick list.
This is how we start flexing our ‘gratitude muscle’.
By noticing what we really want and then taking steps to get there ourselves.
First, get into a place of gratitude for what you already have.
What you focus on you get more of and what you place your attention on expands!
By being grateful for what is in your life at the moment you put our attention on what you like and you get more of it.
Feeling good about areas of your life that are working for you sends out very positive thoughts that begin to manifest.
If you notice yourself getting angry or upset when watching the news or network TV…stop watching it! Instead, find things that bring more peace and joy into your life and focus on those.
What you focus on you get more of and what you place your attention on expands!
The power of gratitude can work wonders
Get yourself a journal or notebook and start your gratitude list. You can start simply, with things like your family, pets, having a roof over your head, good food, clean water etc.
Don’t just write “good food”…write out why you are grateful for having good food; what is good food doing to make your life better?
Do this for all the things you are grateful for.
Start writing you gratitude list first thing in the morning
Having a morning gratitude ritual will set the pace for your whole day. Things will just go better because you already have positivity going for you.
When I started my gratitude practice, I used to manifest all green lights on the way to work and getting a great parking spot (which I got about 80% of the time!).
You can make your gratitude list work overtime for you if you are grateful for the things you want but do not have…yet.
You may want to manifest millions of dollars, and you can totally do that. But that money will not fall into your lap.
If you want to manifest more money into your life, you should focus on how you can create wealth, which is a skillset.
Once you learn how to do that, you can create as much money as you want, whenever you want it.
Rather than the magical thinking of “I want to win the lottery” you can create your own lottery that you win every day.
Some money manifestation pro’s are earning 6-figures monthly. Because once you know how, you can just repeat the process and increase your income over time.
Learn to keep your mind on the positive, and once you get the hang of thinking this way, you will see more results, faster.
Bad Feelings manifest more bad feelings

If, on the other hand, you allow your attention and focus to centre around the things that are not working in your life, then they will expand and you will get more of what you don‘t want.
Think about this seriously.
Give it some real contemplation.
Can you identify areas in your life where this has happened or is continuing to happen now?
The sayings in our everyday language sum up this Universal Law:
- It never rains but it pours
- When something goes wrong, everything goes wrong
- Murphy’s law at work again
If you get jealous over another person’s good fortune then you are actually affirming that you don‘t have what they do and you are now focusing your attention on your own lack!
As well, jealousy will attract more things to be jealous about, and that is not what most people would want in their daily lives.
Check out the above list of ‘bad feelings’; when you are feeling any of those, you will manifest more of that into your life. Obviously there are a lot more ‘negative feelings’ words, so pay attention in your own life when they pop up.
Make the conscious choice to reach for positivity and gratitude instead.
By having “an attitude of gratitude” for what you do have, you are actually focusing your attention on what you do want and that will bring you more things to be grateful for.
This process does take some time, but it is like a snowball rolling down hill.
You need to get it rolling first, and as it keeps rolling it will move faster and faster. The best thing you can do to get it rolling faster is to practice daily.
You can do like I did, and carry a small notebook. When you feel grateful, write it down. As you build this habit, your gratitude list grows faster.
- Look at your life and be grateful for what you do have.
- Be happy for another person’s success.
- Show gratitude all the time and your focus will be on the positive and your attention will be placed on what you want.
Your attitude will change when your attention is squarely placed on the things in life that you want and you do this through gratitude.
So to keep you on track and in an attitude of gratitude always remember that what you focus on you get more of and what your attention rests on expands!
I take my journal with me on all of my trips…short and long, and I am constantly writing all the things that I am grateful for. It took some time for me to get into the habit of doing that, but I am glad that I did.
Not only has my perspective shifted, people are attracted to my more positive attitude!
I also get surprise money all the time now…random checks in the mail, higher than normal tax returns, and great discounts on things I want to buy.
There are no downsides to writing a daily gratitude list
I think children should be taught to write gratitude lists from a young age…I can only imagine the things they can create with a positive mindset!
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Holism targets overall wellness, and when we are well, we only get better with age.
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Until next time, here’s to our health!