Keto Diet Negatives: Are They Legit?

Plenty of people are negative towards keto diet. In fact, keto diet comes in at the bottom of a lot of “top x” diets for whatever the current year is. But is this negativity warranted? And what if the negatives are actually positives in disguise? Let’s take a look at this topic today. Hello and … Keep Reading…

The Benefits of Dark Leafy Greens

No diet is truly optimized without the benefits of dark leafy greens. These plant foods are truly a miracle of nature, and are loaded with vitamins and minerals; they also are low in calories so you can eat plenty of them without gaining weight. But the most important part is how they work to improve … Keep Reading…

Starting Keto Diet The Easy Way

Today we’re starting Keto diet the simple way. I will lay out a simple series of steps for you to follow so that you can be prepared for whatever may come up and be ready. This is a plan you can come back to as often as you need to, because I know that changing … Keep Reading…

Keto Flu: Symptoms and Remedies

Today is all about the one ‘potential’ side effect of Keto diet, namely Keto flu and the symptoms and remedies for it. The keto diet is an amazing diet that can help you lose weight fast and keep it off for the long-term. However, there is something associated with the initial phase of this diet … Keep Reading…

Low Carb Foods To Avoid on Keto Diet

Today’s post is about the low carb foods to avoid and the hidden carbs that may thwart your diet. I know, you’re thinking huh? Aren’t all low carb foods good? Most low carb foods are good, but there are some sneaky ones that you may not be aware of. It’s the carbs that you don’t … Keep Reading…

Plan Ahead for Keto Success

Today’s post is about achieving Keto Success. There’s a saying that goes, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” Nothing could be more fitting for those going on a Keto diet. Of course, it is possible to fly by the seat of your pants and make decisions at each meal, but in the … Keep Reading…

Foods That Improve Gut Microbiome

Before you shop for foods that improve your gut microbiome, it is important to know why they are beneficial. The gut microbiome is the community of bacteria living in the gastrointestinal system. The community consists of good bacteria (probiotics), bad bacteria, yeast, and other microorganisms. When the gut microbiome is in balance, it means that … Keep Reading…

Keto 7 day meal plan

Today I will show you a simple Keto 7 Day Meal Plan. The Keto diet is one of the most popular diets around – and for good reason. Not only can it help you lose weight, but it’s also good for your cardiovascular system if you are doing the clean version. Clean Keto diet cuts … Keep Reading…

Building Good Habits The Easy Way

Building new habits isn’t always easy. If you are anything like me, when you fail at a goal you hear a voice in your head that says “try, try again!”. And that is actually good advice for anyone who needs some help creating good habits. That and the tips I will present to you today. … Keep Reading…